Posts Tagged ‘Red Crown Crane Jewelry Collection’

This is a journey with or without words and music…but not without you.

My dear family,

I definitely want to share with you what’s going on during a week that looked like all the others but that also had a fresh and deep meaning… just like all the others.

First, it’s quite incredible to realize that the interview series of the Red Crown Crane collection are all completed and exposed fully to the world. I have to admit it was quite an adventure to do all these videos, digging deeper every time as we didn’t want to talk only about fashion or beautiful jewelry. We wanted to explore something that would gather us even more, giving us a sense of belonging, we wanted to expose how with silver and glass we crafted wings to touch you, to heal you, to allow you to touch us and to heal us.

“Vague Souvenir” It’s our story… and it’s beautiful.

Vague Souvenir

I want to share about what we lived together during the last Bla Bla Bla: The Live Show… And I wish so much that you would share with us what you felt as well… why? Because this is our chance, our privilege to really bond together, to realize how much we can grow side by side, not alone anymore, more than ever united with this strong desire to see each other shine, live, and fulfill our most beautiful dreams…

Bringing a new wind to the fashion world!

Did you know your tongue has the power of life and death? We often think our words go unheard and no one cares about them. I assure you that your words have impact and carry a big responsibility of seeding despair or hope, life or death, hate or love. I’ve been touched by so many of you as you commented on the Red Crown Crane jewelry collection pictures and posts. Each of your words were so life giving, encouraging, pushing me even further to enjoy this dream but also to be bolder and explore even more, deeper, further…

I Have A Vague Memory Of A Tale…

Red Crown Crane

Some say you truly realize the worth of something when you’ve lost it.

I’m glad I found another way to marvel at the beauty and power of the amazing family I have here with Your Favorite Enemies.

The Red Crown Crane jewelry collection was just released and each day that passes by reveals more and more how this project is the fruit of the work of the whole team. Is there more honor for the one that planted the seed than for the one that waters the plants or the one that reaps??? If the goal is commonly to see an incredible harvest, each person becomes essential and worth of all the honor.

Red Crown Crane: Capture The Essence…

It’s such a mystery how we’re linked together, don’t you think? Somehow, sometime, somewhere on this digital sea we met and since that day, we decided that we would create for each other a place in our hearts. This place for you in my heart is as big as my commitment… it has the warmth of my pouring love… it’s a safe place to go in times of need… it’s a life giving place every time you cross its doors.

And Up… And Down… Life Is A Swing I’m Excited To Ride.

We may all be living in different realities, working in different fields, passionate about different things, but one thing is the same for all of us: Every day we live emotions and feelings that are triggered by what happens around us and in us. This past week I lived plenty of different emotions! First, it’s kind of special and funny to wake up to the sound of a hungry horse! Lol!! Queen, our pony, is definitely adding to the happiness of my surreal life! She’s proof on four legs that the most unexpected little dream is possible and can take life in a way I couldn’t even imagine!