Being Creators of Magic, Not Illusionists

Lately have you watched an old movie you saw a zillion times when you were a child? It’s sometimes a bit tricky to do as we may realize that so many years later what was so incredible is in fact a really poorly made movie and now, as grown ups, we can’t even watch the whole thing without feeling stupid or bored! Lol!! But on a quiet YFE night off, we decided to take a big risk…lol… together we watched the famous movie from the 80’s “Back To The Future”. As some of us weren’t even born when that movie came out, many didn’t even know who Marty McFly or Dr. Emmett Brown were! πŸ˜‰ We had an AMAZINGLY fun time as we just let ourselves dive in this movie where every character is bigger than life, where situations are so dramatic but always one second, one “eureka!” away from being solved and happiness is back! So much simplicity… so much magic. But the real magic was that we were all there in our “cafΓ©”, a whole family formed from people so different, different religions, ages, cultures, different dreams, but yet, deciding to live another day of our precious life together, deciding that the most important thing wasn’t really what we were about to watch or do, but to have a good time and to do it together.

It also makes me think of the Digital Blind Date we had this past weekend with the Secret Family Cult Club. We literally invited them to join us inside the studio’s main room during a recording session for the next album. You might think we’re insane to let people in and hear unreleased music…to hear the real guitar track being recorded live…to invade the band’s intimate creative universe, a sacred place where everything is so intense and fragile… But for us, allowing you into the core of what we are creating, to let you feel the life that is moving around that place, to have you part of that moment where a song is being born, is not only a gift we want to offer you, but it’s magic we want to create between us, just to have a good time and to be together.

Magic… we spend a major part of our childhood feeding it…and then, as adults, we spend the rest of our life trying to starve it… it’s true that life can be hard on us. One day we have a holiday, we try to have a good time with friends and family, sometimes it turns out good, sometimes it turns sour. The next day, it rains, we have to go back to work, we have to face the same problems, we try to find freedom in things we can control. Magic might be a bitter memory of something that couldn’t keep the pain away. Magic can be the echo of broken promises that a happy ending was ahead.

Can we become once again creators of magic with our two feet grounded in reality? When I see Sef wearing a bunny mask feeding his pony, I think it is possible. When I see Momoka excited every time she receives gifts from Brian Wilson, the star pitcher of the San Francisco Giants baseball team and getting all of us to cheer for the team (we might even print and wear some YFE shirts supporting our new favorite team! lol), I think why not! Some may say it’s living in illusions. I say that it is a beautiful way to have no limits, to explore the impossible, to have faith in the invisible. I say it’s a positive way to gather, to share, to meet others on grounds where we are all equal, not identical, equal. I say that, to create magical moments in our day and seed that magic in the reality of those around us is such a miraculous gift of life.

I wonder what magic will be present during the next Bla Bla Bla: The Live Show πŸ™‚

I wonder what magic I’ll get to explore as I slay my illusions.

I wonder what magic you guys will seed in my life πŸ™‚

I wonder what magic we’ll all see bloom as we all have a good time… just as we are here… together.

-Miss Isabel

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Comments (20)

  • Heather


    Hey Sweet Sis!
    I think that it doesn’t matter how old the movie is, that there something that you can pick up from it if you are seeing it for the first time, second, or whatever. I think that they can even renew our thinking, and remind us of our dreams, to keep pressing into them, despite how difficult they may seem! I just recently heard back from the school that I was taking my Creative writing course from, and felt encouraged top keep writing, but it is the dream that I have held in my heart for five years that matters most to me! I love Alex so very much,xoxoxox, and I hope to not ever let him or any of you down.

    I hope to take my training in writing and do something great with it!

    I thank you you for always sharing your thoughts with us all.

    Love from your Sister, Heather

    love to all…Have a great start to the week!


    • Miss Isabel


      Dear Heather,
      I really encourage you to push your dream further one step at the time and to believe it will happen. It will surprise you the way it will be unfold and that’s the best actually πŸ™‚
      Writing is a great way to fill this world with something meaningful… feed your heart and then you will overflow and feed so many people who will read you.
      I’m proud of you!
      -Miss Isabel


  • Elizabeth


    (continued – lol) – forgot to mention this! “Back to the Future” and “Lion King” – 2 of my FAVE movies of all time – BTF especially – saw them both when they came out originally of course..and many times afterwards.. πŸ™‚


  • Elizabeth


    Dear Isa!!!

    I just reread your diary and the comments below – magic is indeed happening!! Right before our eyes and hearts!!! I love your statement in your response to “Ale” – “creating magic is an act of love”.. There is an artist I admire very much – a very young, miraculously inspired and gifted girl (artist/poet) whose parents immigrated from the Ukraine to the US before she was born – named Akiane – i think you might have heard of her! In one of her poems, she says “love was created to create” – which is a similar sentiment, just said a little differently – and I firmly believe it! The wonderful thing about this kind of magic is that it is available to anyone – all we need to do is desire it, and it begins to blossom in our hearts – the seeds are already there. It may take time, if the “dirt” of trials in our past and in our daily lives is very heavy, but just as the tiniest plant can push through solid rock in the natural, the seeds of love within us are unstoppable also – truly the strongest power on earth…in the “universe”… I KNOW it requires effort – sometimes tremendous effort – but the spark required to create the magic of “friendship/sister/brother” love (less susceptible to the clouding of illusion than “romantic” love) is ready and waiting – DESIRING – to be brought into the lives of ourselves and others. We don’t have to force it – it WANTS to be born – we just need to open our hearts and allow it to flow out.. I’m still learning to push past the “dirt” in my own heart that would clog the flow – we all are and we all will be while we are on this earth I think. But every time we allow the magic of love to burst (or even seep) out of us, the opening in our hearts grows bigger I think.

    Thank you so much for continuing to push through every obstacle to create the magic of love in your own life, dear Isa..magical indeed to see and experience..

    love you always!!!!!!! and believe in you!!! mom e


    • Miss Isabel


      Dear Eli,
      I truly think none of us would be able to create if we didn’t feel supported and loved, deeply rooted in something so strong and true. I feel blessed to be with you in this journey and to always receive your words as a refreshing rain of love and faith.
      Thank you for pushing any boundaries and stretching your heart every day to include more people in it!
      -Miss Isabel


  • Marcel B.


    It’s so true what you say. It often happened to me as well that i watched a movie, that i really liked when i was younger and while watching it again i asked myself why i liked it. lol

    And i think as well, that it’s not about the movie or what you’re doing but that you do it together. Because when you share it with someone it’s more fun! πŸ˜‰

    I think magic can always be a part of our live and i agree with Chris and Irene, our life is so often so serious but should it really be like that? I think we just need to keep believing in that magic and keep feeding it like we did when we were kids. And at the end isn’t the impossible possible as well πŸ˜‰

    Thanks to you guys that you bring some of your magic in my life, everyday! And this magic shows me that everything is possible and that we only need to believe in it! You’re true magic creators! =)
    And i’m honored to share that magic with everyone else!

    I can’t wait to see what’s awaiting us and what new magic we will create all together. It will be like a firework of magic, that’s what i believe in! =)

    Oh and you know what, i actually see myself end up as a Giants fan as well, just like it happened with the Habs 2 years ago, because of “Are You Hockey” πŸ˜‰ lol

    I love you! =)


    • Miss Isabel


      Bro!!! You have to become a Giants fan! πŸ™‚ I have to admit I didn’t know anything about the team before this season, but I think it’s so funny to gather behind a team all together and cheering… you should see us wear orange the days of the match!lol Anything to have fun and unite… we don’t win matches, we win memories…family memories… it’s wonderful.
      And you’re a part of that of course!!!
      Can’t wait to share the Bla Bla Bla with you this weekend!!!
      Miss Isabel


  • Irene



    I might have written that to you before, but I just can’t help but saying it again… wow, this season your blogs bloom with freedom and sincerity, inspiring as ever, sharing life and love, and joy and pushing us to dream, to dream for real and, yes, become magic creators once again (and I don’t mean just once!). Thank you so much!

    That’s right, we all have that so called “ordinary” life, because.. it’s life.. and we are not able to avoid daily challenges, headaches that those “real” life’s problems cause us, and stuff.. But there still CAN be place for magic in our lives, for the child inside of us to play freely, laugh sincerely, have fun absentmindedly, being caught by and enjoy the moment with our whole being, etc..

    Just as Chris said, “isn’t there enough seriousness in a daily life already?” Let’s the tough “real” life not consume us! May us let those children we all still are in our hearts out as often as possible, because no one knows how to enjoy simple moments of life better than kids!

    I do want to create magic in my life and in lives of others around me! And I believe, it’s not as hard as we might think! We don’t always need great fireworks to witness and feel magic — a simple tiny spark is enough to brighten that moment in a day or night that we are in. Do you remember how a single little message from a friend can make you smile and feel happy? Isn’t there any magic about it???

    Just as my Belgian brother left for a cup of coffee yesterday.. to be back with one + a cookie for me, too.. which I got in a picture via email! Magic!

    Magic.. it definitely is not something you can create on your own — you need a company of “wizards” to make your magic come to life, otherwise it won’t work out. And that’s amazing! Magic is to share, to live and enjoy together, not just by yourself greedily in a dark corner of your room..

    So let’s create it together!!! And I guess we cannot even fully realize how beautiful our magis is going to be πŸ™‚ And I guess we will see it in action during the next Bla Bla Bla πŸ˜‰ Can’t wait to be there with all of you!!!

    Love you!!!


    • Miss Isabel


      Full action… ooooo yeah!!! this Bla Bla Bla is going to allow us to explore the magic again!!! It’s nice to prepare ourselves to live it that way nothing less!
      I know you can create magic my sister as you let yourself cut the filters, as you believe in your own heart and as you are sensitive to others…
      Thank you so much for writing this sister… just you sharing as already a big impact!
      -Miss Isabel


  • Danielle


    mmm Yes i have and it was The Lion King and it was on TV!! πŸ˜€

    you know you shouldn’t say that cause everyone is different in a way! Maybe they didn’t want to put all their money and anything into the movie, Maybe they wanted it that way!!!

    I shouldn’t say anything. i can’t even watch the whole freakin thing without feeling stupid or bored! LOL Well some movies. lol

    OMMMMMMG NO WAAAAAAAY πŸ˜€ Back To The Future. aaahhhhh πŸ˜€ (SORRY!) “BLUSHING”. lol
    that movie is amazing. πŸ˜€
    That’s good you guys had a fun time!! πŸ™‚ That’s what we need to feed, The Laughter and Excitement and love in the air!! πŸ™‚

    real magic is everywhere!!!

    also makes you think of the SFCC??? seriously i don’t think it ever left your mind. LOLOL
    mmm the Digital Blind Date on the SFCC i heard it was amazing!!! πŸ˜‰

    Magic… we spend a major part of our childhood feeding it…
    Are you serious????
    the only time i was feeding it was when i was watching Disney Movies that had the feeling of Magic other than that my dad always crushed it and sometimes my mom!!!

    yes you are right on that about life!!!

    hahaha that sucks. I’d be outside running in it, or standing in it feeling how amazing it feels!!! πŸ™‚

    It might be but yes you are right on what you said on that last sentence!!! “Magic can be the echo of broken promises that a happy ending was ahead. ”

    lol @Sef. yeah that made my easter, well half!!!

    seriously i am freakin bummed out that you guys own a freakin pony! *POWTY FACE* “Stubborn Moment” sitting on my bed. *NOT FAIR* lol

    yeah i have Momoka as a friend on facebook and i know she’s been receives gifts from him, Not like she post it on Facebook. lol

    I know how the guy is, I am not a fan of the Major League Baseball!!!
    Well good you like it.

    I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE BLA BLA BLA!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


    I am more than EXCITED. It feels like February-27th-2008. The Day that you guys came in my life. The day that i was in tears more than EXCITED!!! Smiling none stop!!!

    I REALLY CAN’T WAIT!!! either way i’m always more than EXCITED with you guys in my life!!!

    I LOVE YOU!!!!

    xxxxYour Sis, Danielle


    • Miss Isabel


      I can imagine how hard it can be to feel people around you bring the magic down… going against the flow when we’re not even sure we’re right is very hard… I saw you evolve since Feb. 27th 2008…I saw you grow… and I saw the magic slowly coming back in your eyes and that for me is such a joy! Because we are also your family and we will always support your dreams and the magic in your life!
      -Miss Isabel


      • Danielle


        Yeah cause you guys can relate to getting rejected a lot, like me!!!
        seeing me grow!! oh really??? πŸ˜‰ did you now??? let me guess!! your secret was! always sneaking behind Jeff seeing my messages!! huh???

        i’m happy that it’s such a joy for you!! as for me i am happy that you brought out more beautiful colourful magic than 2009 when i first met you on Myspace!!

        i love that you said, that you guys are my family and you will support my dreams and the magic in my life!! (‘:


        4 beautiful, magical, bright colourful, crazy both long years!! πŸ˜‰

        I LOVE YOU MY SIS, MY SISTER!!!! πŸ˜€
        xxxxYour Sis, Your Sister, Danielle πŸ™‚


  • Chris


    It’s so funny because I was there at the SFCC Digital Blind Date and that excitement that you are talking about was what I experienced all the way!!! Feeling like If I was on a secret spy mission…lol I even immortalized the moment by taking a picture of my computer screen!!

    I agree with you…nothing should stop us from living with this child heart…
    I mean, isn’t there enough seriousness in a daily life already?? When moments are in my hands, I want to live them, grasp them and allow them to make me feel like I was in wonderland again! I love this perspective!!

    It reminds me of last summer, when in the middle of the night, we realized that the little light we could see in the parking lot was Jeff and Moose watching a movie on Jeff’s ipad comfortably laying on a bed they had brought there!!


    • Miss Isabel


      REALLY!!! I didn’t know that story about Jeff and Moose!!lol
      That is soooo what I’m talking about when I say to create magic with people we love around us… We have such a power to make others feel loved and to also make our life meaningful breathing and inspiring life!!!

      I know you have a lot of creativity Chris…will you use it? πŸ™‚
      -Miss Isabel


  • Marjo


    It’s funny…I was talking about creating magic a few days ago…with a friend of mine, with whom it’s so simple and fun to share! And don’t get me wrong…she’s not into shallow & childish talking…and she’s not far off from living challenging or what can be called “ordinary” days herself…But as we shared…we gently turned the “every day life” into an opportunity for us to simply share a smile…and refer to that moment, in our relationship and also in our own personal lives…to smile some more! And I’m glad we can talk about it here and gather…in order to remember that we’re all magic makers…If it spontaneously blooms from our child’s heart…isn’t it still part of who we are, even though we’re now grown-ups??? It’s up to us to simply let it be and seize the opportunities to make it happen, I guess! And since I can’t operate magic by the wiggle of my nose, just like I was taught to do in my childhood years, by my favorite tv show “Bewitched”…lol…I’ll do better and just put on a song from a band I like which says…”Let’s break the spell of the typical”…


    • Miss Isabel


      yeah… the nose trick doesn’t work for me either!;)
      Simplicity, spontaneity, actively looking to initiate love, happiness, including everyone in a positive movement of the heart and soul… this is OUR power and our responsibility!

      So proud to be in that world changing magic journey with you Marjo!!!
      -Miss Isabel


  • Max


    Thanks for your words Miss Isabel!
    It’s true that everything is magical recently… From studio… Movies… Baseball… Or what we have the chance to build with everyone online… That’s a true blessing to live our lives, but the greatest gift of all is the relationships that we build amongst one another!! It blooms from trust, ain’t always easy, but trust is a decision!

    I like how the simplicity of this blog is the true testimony of your last one! That’s very touching…


    • Miss Isabel


      Letting go… trusting… believing… allowing ourselves to see and live the magic… these are all things we’ve been talking about lately and they all connect! They all open doors for more freedom and more unexpected!

      I’m excited just as you are to see all of us touch and live our relationships based on these truth!

      -Miss Isabel


  • Ale


    Haha, I watched Back to the Future in English again for the first time in some years a couple of weeks ago. It was a lot of fun to hear Doc shout “Great Scott” now and again, wondering just what the hell it means, haha.

    I did get that sense of “oh, dear god, those effects are so CHEAP!” once or twice, but all the memories that the movie brought back eventually pushed it back. I mean, it’s a movie about time travel from the 80s! And it’s damned good – it has awesome characters, a lot of meta and inside jokes… it sparks the imagination in ways many modern movies can’t, and that’s what makes it so magical and lovable.

    It’s that sense of wonder, of magic in the making, of pushing boundaries and building dreams that I’m always looking for in movies, series, books, music. That’s why I love you guys so much, because each and every one of your songs opens a floodgate of inspiration and a feeling of… connectedness, I suppose.

    I hope to be able to make it to the next Bla Bla Bla!

    Have a wonderful day~


    • Miss Isabel


      It’s so amazing to know we can inspire one another to dream more and to also just see life as a positive and exciting journey…not easy…but meaningful and worth living fully each tears and laughters!

      I think that creating magic is a very proactive lifestyle. It doesn’t happen by magic!lol I believe that’s why we can feel so much love through it, as we realize someone, somewhere, invested their heart and soul to help us smile, to seed in us the truth that everything is possible…

      Creating magic is an act of love.
      Love you dear sis…and thank you so much for sharing your words, your heart with us, it’s very precious to me!!!

      -Miss Isabel


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