Posts Tagged ‘Your Favorite Enemies’

An extravaganza… but so much more than entertainment!

An extravaganza… but so much more than entertainment!

Bla Bla Bla: the Live show was off the air for only a couple minutes and someone asked me “what did you like the best about the show?”… I hadn’t really finished living the whole experience, I hadn’t taken in what my ears heard, what my eyes saw, what my heart received… so I simply answered: “the best part of the show was the fact that I felt free, completely free…”

To see it bloom freely, uncontrollably and beautifully

My loving family, my friends so dear to my heart,

This past week I lived something completely insane… As you may have seen on Alex‘s or Jeff‘s Facebook, we were doing a massive video and photoshoot. A 3 day marathon for a VERY special project. I won’t tell you much because we will reveal the secret about it during the next Bla Bla Bla the live show March 11th, so I want you to enjoy the surprise… BUT I can tell you it’s the very first time I have worked in collaboration with Alex on something other than music;) You know how he is an intense person right? Well, ever since collaborating with him on this special project I have realized even more how this intensity and passion is rooted in his love for people and his commitment to always go all the way. He often says “if we are to make something, let’s do it our way, no limits, no established rules except to be true to ourselves and to do it with love.” I realize now that by opening my cherished project and involving others, it has allowed the whole project to reach a completely different dimension, to shine in a way I never thought possible, allowing everyone to expose their talent and to even discover hidden treasures, it allowed me to learn, to grow… it allowed me also to experience so much love as I see people giving their best towards something I cherish and it allowed me also to pour out love toward these same people, learning to serve them, to give them my best, to take my place in their life…

There’s no frame around our life

I kinda know I live something completely incredible when I am somehow lost, without my usual emotional or rational markers… and it happened to me last weekend!

As many of you already know, we have treated ourselves with a very special place of our own that we call the “Secret Family Cult Club”.  We are building in it a community with anyone who desires to live something closer or just different with the band,  but not only with us. It’s also a unique way to connect with other people that are in love with music and in love with the idea of being a part of something bigger than ourselves (and this “Bigger” thing is not the band, but the community we are building all together and the impact we can have by joining our forces).

The guest I was looking for…

So many times I invited love in my life and when it knocked at my door, I opened and found myself looking around to see if it wouldn’t be accompanied by another guest… I realize that the thing I was really looking for was comfort, not love. Same thing with friendship or art or anything! When they knocked at my door as a surprise or as I invited them myself, I didn’t let them come in unless they came with comfort… which they rarely did. Why??? Comfort usually comes with another type of guest such as compromise or illusion. I think now that it is much more simple and true to welcome the pure feelings and life experiences as they are without trying to manipulate them, twisting them to fit my own vision or way to do things. I need to allow love, friendship, faith and all of these wonderful guests to shock me, surprise me, stupefy me, and to leave me speechless, helpless, breathless…

Let’s be sensitive to what happens to us

My dear brother, my sweet sister…

Can I invite you on a journey?

It is an invitation I received to look at myself in a mirror called “Where Did We Lose Each Other”… This song really talks about my life, it reflects my losses, it screams my hopes and it enlightens my crossroads. Since the first day I read these words, I knew they were a mirror that I had the option to look into for real or turn my eyes away in denial. Just like it has been said in one of the videos of the special project page, either we decide to face reality or slowly we become the reflection of something else, far from being alive and far from being our true self…just a pale reflection of our illusions.

Ardent Revolutionist Of The Heart… I Dare You To Love

Do you know one of the ways you can recognize that you truly love someone? I know I love someone when the only thought or the simple view of that person being happy is making me happy and smile, even if the source of happiness has nothing to do with me and even if that person doesn’t even know I thought or saw him/her…

You are there with us living the moment… Let’s create the magic!

My dear family HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Can you believe how lucky we are to take these steps all together as we move from one year to another? Really I see it as a walk we all are taking together on this journey we call life. Day after day I decide to look ahead envisioning where I desire to go in my life, my goals, the things I want to see change, evolve, disappear, grow… Keeping my eyes up allows me to dream and to have faith. Sometimes, especially when we are in a transition time, we look back at what we did, what we were, what impact it has had on us today. That allows us to measure our actions and decisions. And then, there’s the present, now, how I walk now, my actions today, my thoughts, my feelings, what I do with my talents, my time, and my life. My friends, I want to thank you, because if it wasn’t for being able to look around and see you, walking all around me, I would be the most unhappy, selfish and lost person on this life journey.

Reflection or incarnation. We all look at the mirror…

When was the last time the sunrise was only for you… 
and the sunset whispered goodbye to your heart as if no one else could hear…?

We just came back from an incredible week of vacation by the sea and I still can feel the ocean licking my toes and the boys throwing sand in my ears…(NOT the opposite !lol) We needed it so much… Looking back at the few days (not to mention the few months!) before we left, I am just in disbelief at all that we did insuch a short time! I think of Big Byrd as he flew all over Montreal to get all the elements, all the treasures that are a part of the SFCC official package (the Membership Card is just so cool… the pictures all with different quotes… DVD…and I won’t even mention everything else PLUS the special t-shirt crafted in our own “Fabrik” YFE shop… wait to see it… you will… euh… maybe take your meds for seizures ok?;)…lol).