Run, run, run… what? I’m a runner… it’s normal! ;)

My mind is like a ping pong ball in a tornado…lol. Am I stressed??? euh…
I guess a little bit but more excited and happy 🙂

The Bla Bla Bla: The Live Show is around the corner and the whole crew here is very focused, busy, persevering to reach the goals each have to reach in order to make this HUGE event a complete success and a time that we’ll all enjoy and remember for years to come. There’s so much to do, to think about. Time is short but yet everyone is smiling, encouraging each other, caring for each other’s needs. “Do you need an energy drink?”. “Can I help you with something?”. “Let’s take a walk to chat a bit, to relax and to be there for one another”. Seeing and living that makes me so proud! It shows me again that we truly live this community spirit we talk about so much. It shows me I have my important place in this amazing adventure, one among so many unique individuals. It makes me realize that the goal is not the “result” of the show, but what really matters is how we walk together, every minute, every second in a vision we share and a commitment we embrace.

Don’t we focus too often on the results, on the end game? If we feel we have to compromise, to lie, to take short cuts, to cheat…well if the result is good it’s all ok, right? I tried that often…I can tell you from my experience that results are evanescent but what we seed along the way is engraved in us and our whole life, our relationships, our own self-esteem, our vision of the world… I guess it brings us back to living the moment right? Stefan wrote to me “I realize that it is a battle of every day. To live every day in fulfillment – that is something I don’t know how to reach at the moment” and I understand your struggle because we all try to “reach” something, some happiness, some comfort or feeling of control, feeling we are accomplishing something important. Maybe if we could see our daily life from another angle and see that the results, and the times we cross the finish line are only one of those many moments. Then all the other moments that we experience are equally influencing our history, whether we realize it or not. So, please Stefan, run and fight for your life because you’re a runner and a fighter, because you’re made to run and fight honorably, to inspire other runners and fighters all around you to persevere and believe in themselves.

After my last blog, Chris asked me an interesting question: “what are the things that have the power to bring you back into fulfillment no matter what ”moment” you are in?”. Being “into fulfillment” isn’t about what I do, it’s about what I am. So… the question could be what can keep me away from being me?!! When I allow myself to freely be “me”, when I live in truth, seeing things as they are, no illusions or make believes, then nothing can drag me away from any fulfillment. But the last time I checked, I didn’t have a cape with the print of an “S” in a diamond shape tagged to my back, so I do fall into the traps and even create my own tragedies at times…so what brings me back? I remember who I am, who I’m made to be, my identity, my worth, the love I received, the love I am made to give, I remember we were all created for a purpose…

Remember… Remember who you are… Remember the grace you had… Remember…

We’re celebrating the 5 years of the first EP “If I Was To Die In The Morning, Would I Still Be Sleeping With You” and we are most importantly celebrating each and every moment we lived with you through these 5 years! Thank you for remembering… thank you for sharing with us because it touches me, it touches us so much that it is as important to you as it is for us.

I love you… and I remember you as a VERY important part of my life!!!

-Miss Isabel

“5 years, wow one year after I came in the family. 🙂 Heard the songs through Youtube. love them. 🙂 I love the day we met online!!” -Danielle

“I remember first just chatting with Jeff online in 2005…then meeting everyone for the first time in 2008/2009…can’t believe it’s been that long already” -Maggie

“Woow… SO about 5 years ago I started to talk with you! So much time!! Hugs from Chile” -Maria

“I think we grow up by synergy about own life. I am very lucky in that I was able to meet you guys.” -Tsugumi

“No, I have absolutely no memory of an ep I purchased on March 7th, 2008 at 9:11pm eastern time and had subsequently autographed by each band member…” -Aaron

“it’s 2 years for me now, but still i’m so glad that I meet you all!!” -Marcel

“I remember Manchester… that was the first day… But in London too… time spent in Starbucks talking… I will never forget it…” -Sue

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Comments (4)

  • Elizabeth


    Hi dear Isa!!!

    I waited to comment on this one until i had experienced the Bla Bla Bla with all of you to have more of a flavor of what is in your hearts these days! I love the element of “balance” that was discussed and life balance is implicit in your words here too – setting relationships above “results” and “accomplishments”. That is something i have struggled with all my life and I think it is a problem for almost everyone. In response to the perceived pressure to “achieve” in order to be “accepted”, I think many people simply “give up” and slowly sink while others strive valiantly to “swim” for all the wrong reasons. In my past, i’ve definitely been one of those “driven swimmers”, but gifts of faith and inspiration I have received through YFE and other avenues have helped me more and more to get my priorities in true order…never before have I been able to find such deep joy in the relationships that have become part of my life – those I have been blessed with in the YFE family and those in every area of my life. I have a LOT of growing still to do, but more and more, i truly feel I am becoming “me”..Thank you again for the love you share so passionately and with such gentleness and understanding..

    praying and much love always! HUGS!!!


  • Vanessa


    I love how you say the goal is not in the “results”.
    Presently in my life I feel I am not getting results and because of that I am a failure. Failing at getting results. The thing is maybe I am getting results else where… in a form I had not envisioned at the start… Maybe I am doing something “right” elsewhere.
    I guess the important part is remembering who you are, your worth and that you too, you can be loved. I am only alone if I choose to be, otherwise I am surrounded by wonderful people who walk with me on this crazy path called life!
    Thank you for reminding me every week not to stray… I have a place that was created for me. Now its up to me to act upon it 🙂
    Love you!


  • Danielle


    Heyy Miss Isabel my amazing Sis that i love to much!! 😀

    tornado’s don’t keep things in the middle. It picks it up but throws it like a person with a very had attitude!!!
    I know because i’ve seen to many Tornado’s, on TV, in other towns around me.

    Your ping pong ball is mostly in a world pool that will not stop.
    I know my ball is in a world pool and stuck!!!
    good your not that stressed, I am.

    that’s good, I can’t wait for the Bla Bla Bla! 😀
    The crew and you guys are amazing, making all this happening. 🙂

    pfff screw energy drinks, i’d rather “take a walk to chat a bit, to relax and to be there for one another” than energy drinks. 😉 That would be soooooo cool and amazing, a blast!!

    that is amazing what you said on the rest of the 1st part. 🙂

    Don’t we focus too often on the results, on the end game? maybe!! I guess it’s ok!! I don’t know.

    It depends if that person wants to go back living the moment!!! There are that do And there are that don’t know what to expect!!!
    or i’m probably wrong and not understanding. :\

    i agree with Stefan. that it is a battle of every day. To live every day in fulfillment.

    maybe we could see another angle of our daily lives and see the results of it.
    Some of us don’t Try to *Reach*, some do. I am what you call a newbie still at this. Even thought it’s been 4 years, i still new.
    That’s good you understand Stefan’s struggle.

    I saw what Chris’s comment and that was interesting and really got me thinking!!!
    your answer. wow. me i would been lost, wouldn’t know what to say. wouldn’t know how to answer that!!!

    we are a runner and a fighter, tell me everyday to me that i am.
    I don’t always remind myself of who i should be.

    I Can’t believe it’s been 5 years of that album. I wasn’t around then, I wouldn’t know what the amazing moment left then. I bet it was amazing!!!
    Can’t wait for the Bla Bla Bla and live *THAT* Moment with you guys! 🙂

    thanks for putting my comment that i said on Facebook, on here. 🙂

    You are amazing and I LOVE YOU SIS!!!
    your blog is amazing, amazing as always.


    I LOVE YOU!!!! 🙂
    xxxYour Sis, Danielle


  • Mary


    I love the ending of your blog!! Testimonies of love are so powerful. We can feel the pride and of everyone who has embraced the vision with the band and crew simply by believing at 1st, and then taking part in it in different ways; either a live performance (I’m sure everyone wants to live this one!! lol ) or purchasing an album, or simply building a relationship through the virtual but so alive way!

    Thank you for keeping this dream alive, and making it become reality every day!


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